We’re going to have a party.It has been forty years (+/- Daylight Savings Time) since the Atlanta Response Center (aka NARC/ATL) started taking calls. It’s time to celebrate, reflect and toast to your journey since then. Keep reading for the latest updates on the plans for the get-together and a couple of useful links.
Date & Time: Sunday, March 24, 2024 at 2:00PM – 5:00PM
Place: Glover Park Brewery just off the Marietta Square.
Cost: $15/person donation – we will leave a jar in the room. If you dont have it, you will be on cleanup duty afterwards. If we receive more donations than needed to cover costs, the difference will be given to the charity requested by Dave Jakubowski – Atlanta Lab Rescue.
Food and Beverages: There will be a cash bar and we’re hoping to arrange a food truck as well.
Who will be there: The primary audience for this message is for those who worked in or with NARC/Atlanta during the 80s and 90s before we moved to ABC.
The mailing list (linked below) will show you everyone who is planning on attending or at least considering it. So far, the publicity has all been through the Response Center Friends group on Facebook. Please forward this email to other Atlanta RC friends (especially from the 80s and 90s) so they can check out the website and signup for email updates.
WEBSITE: We’ve created a site so everyone can get updates even if they are not on social media. The website is atlrc40.org (note the .org)
MAILING LIST: There is a page that you can share with anyone not yet on this mailing list. Send them to signup for information-rich and gluten-free updates like this one at: Mailing List Sign Up
WHO IS COMING? There is a list of people already on this mailing list with an indication of who is planning on attending. This way you can see if the friends you haven’t seen will be there. You can also make sure that person you still owe money will not be there. Check: Who Is Coming?
PHOTO GALLERY: If you don’t remember what your friends looked like or if you want them to remember what you looked like when you were young(er), upload pictures to this shared photo album. (It requires a gmail account.) The pictures will also show upon the website’s photo gallery (though it has not been refreshing so it might lag a bit).
Watch for future updates as the details are available.
Add “atlrc40@gmail.com” to your contacts so the email updates don’t go to your SPAM folder.